Official site - here
Version 1.0.0
EDL Mode:
- QC Sahara V3 Protocol:
- Supported QC Sahara V3 protocol.
- Auto-select Programmer (excluding Sahara V3 support).
- Support for all filesystem types (ext4, erofs).
- QC EDL Universal Flasher:
- Safe speed flashing.
- Full erase functionality.
- EFS protection (IMEI).
- Backup EFS (IMEI).
- Rooting support.
- Reset MI ID/FRP.
- QC EDL Partition Manager:
- Create Rawprogram.
- Dump, write, erase partitions.
- Full firmware backup.
- QC EDL Services:
- Reset FRP.
- Reset EFS.
- Backup and restore EFS.
- Root device.
- OEM unlock.
- Factory reset.
DIAG Mode:
- Diagnostic information support.
- IMEI repair:
- QC method.
- NV method.
- MAC address repair.
- Backup and restore QCN, xQCN.
ADB Mode:
- Universal ADB commands.
- EFS reset (Root/TWRP).
- Backup and restore EFS (Root/TWRP).
- Reset MI ID/FRP (TWRP).
- Root and unroot device (TWRP).
QCN Editor:
- View QCN information.
- Patch NV [SIM1 and SIM2].
- Repair damaged item files.
- IMEI and MAC repair.
### Xiaomi
EDL Mode:
- Xiaomi EDL Flasher (via SigKey).
- Xiaomi Fastboot Flasher:
- Root device.
- Bypass MI ID/FRP.
- Disable Verity/Verification.
- Disable anti-rollback check.
- Disable CRC check.
- Fix GPT (bootloop).
### Root
Magisk 27.0:
- AVB/dm-verity disable.
- Keep force encryption.
- Set recovery mode.
- Patch Vbmeta flags.
- Manual root process.
- Root and unroot device (ADB/TWRP).
- Restore patched image.
- Sign AVB 1.0 image.
### ADB - Fastboot
- Universal ADB and Fastboot commands.
ADB Partition Manager (ADB/TWRP):
- List partitions.
- Dump, write, erase partitions.
Fastboot Partition Manager:
- List partitions.
- Write, erase partitions.
If any error problem happens please send mail to support@androidwintool.com
## Version 1.0.1
- Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.
## Version 1.0.2
- Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.
Version 1.0.6 Update
• Added completely free iOS MDM BYPASS without Jailbreak!
• Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.
Please note that, every user must register again to use software.
Version 1.0.7 Update
- Added more than 200 Xiaomi models for remove root auto & make root auto ( with server )
- Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.
AndroidWinTool ( AWT ) Version 1.0.8 Update

Key feature is now we are support iCloud FMI OFF with backup method.
- iOS FMI OFF Method for menu active devices added.
- Adb Partition Write Fix.
- Fastboot Partition List Fix.
- Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.
AndroidWinTool ( AWT ) Version 1.1.0 Update

- Login error on some computes has been fixed.
- Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.
AndroidWinTool ( AWT ) Version 1.1.1 Update

- Fix Boot Patcher (Root) Magisk 27.0
- Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.
AndroidWinTool ( AWT ) Version 1.1.2 Update

- Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.
AndroidWinTool ( AWT ) Version 1.1.3 Update

- Login Stuck Fix.
- Added every user 7 day extra for this login problems.
- Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.
AndroidWinTool 1.1.4 Out!
- Free Xiaomi All Model FRP ( Google Account ) Remove
- Free Xiaomi All Model Fastboot to EDL
- Added Xiaomi Mediatek V5 - V6 Firmware Flash - BETA.
- Added Xiaomi Adb Auto Update (OTA) Disable.
- Added Xiaomi Adb Mi Account Disable.
- Added Xiaomi Redmi 8a Pro (Olivewood) Network Repair.
- Fixed various bugs and improved overall stability.