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Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 SP2/SPD-UniSoc Обновления


Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 SP2/SPD-UniSoc v2.14 - A/B support and more

As ordinary, unique functions and methods released

Changed: FlashCore protocol updated - R25.x
Changed: New DL-core support - v20 at Infinity notation
Changed: Diag protocol updated
Changed: 1S base loaders for SC7731e - AB devices, Android 10/11
Changed: 1S loaders line included for SC9832e - AB devices, Android 10/11
Changed: 1S loaders line included for SC9863 - AB devices, Android 10/11
Info: It's recommended to use 1S loaders for Identify operation on older UniSoc lines - SC7731e, SC9832e, SC9863 with Android 9 - 10

Changed: FlashLoader authentification [RSA and AES] - brand-specific operation
- Allow service over FlashMode models, which require remote authentification
- New model lines activated (server-side): Tecno, Infinix
- Supproted Brand lines: Itel, Infinix, Tecno, Generic

Changed: Protocol updated
Changed: FlashCore update
Changed: A/B flashing activated (Infinity Packages, factory PAC)
Changed: PAC r2.x line support updated
Changed: Infinity Packages flashing revised

Changed: FormatFS updated
Changed: NVMManager updated - NV Read, Write, Update
Changed: RepairSecurity updated: SN repair
Changed: RepairSecurity updated: ServerSupport models list increased, more Android 10/11 supported

Firmware reader
Changed: Android 10, 11 specific changes
Changed: UltraRead protocol updated
Changed: Loader compatibility selection optimized
Changed: A/B devices support activated!
- Allow read complete, working, safe and factory-like firmware images for most modern Android 10/11 devices!
- No any FOTA, security and other issues with read FW, no any unique data damage
- Automatic active slot identification and selection, with no chances to read useless firmware and also save 2x HDD space for old AB

Model DB
Changed: New generic loaders included for SC7731e - 1S line, v20
Changed: New generic loaders included for SC9832e - 1S line, v20
Changed: New generic loaders included for SC9863 0 1S line, v20
Changed: New generic loaders included for T618 - 1S line, v20
Changed: New loaders included for Realme
Changed: New loaders included for Itel
Changed: New loaders included for Tecno
Changed: New loaders included for ZTE

Changed: LoaderDB updater now supports modern PACs - A/B, modern R2.x
Changed: Many other different changes and fixes


  • InfinityBox_CM2SP2_v2.14.7z
    25.9 MB · Views: 0