UMTv2/UMTPro UltimateMTK2 v1.7 - Enable ADB from META and more...
Added Infinix/Tecno/iTel Enable ADB in META mode
- You can use this function to Enable ADB.
- Once ADB is Enabled you can use functions in Infinix/Tecno/iTel Group.
Added Infinix/Tecno/iTel (ADB) Functions:
- Disable Locks (ADB)
- Enable Locks (ADB)
- Reset FRP (ADB)
- You can enable ADB using Enable ADB (Infinix) from META Functions.
Updated Erase Userdata
- Now it should not cause Checksum Error on phone startup.
Added Reset Locks (Vivo) in Format Functions
- You don't need to use Old Module to do that anymore
Some UI Changes
Important Notes:
- You can flash device with both BROM and Preloader mode
- If default DA does not work, use own DA in custom DA
- Force BROM may not work on new security, use Test Point instead
- When using Test Point, you must select Preloader in PL (not needed when flashing)
- If you need to connect device in Preloader mode, you must select PRELOADER in connection settings, otherwise software will try to Crash Preloader (may not work on new security devices)
Note : Some features are device/OS specific and may not work on all devices.